In May of 1995 the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) published its first ADA Transition Plan. The plan identifies all public facilities owned or leased by VTrans requiring ADA upgrades, the cost of each improvement, and a timeline for the completion of each improvement. Those improvements, along with improvements to 60 sidewalk curb ramps on the state highway system, were completed shortly after publication of the 1995 Transition Plan.
Since then, VTrans has continued to maintain compliance with the ADA for all facilities under its control (such as district offices, airport terminals, welcome centers, etc.), and has also worked to ensure that all VTrans managed pedestrian facilities in the public rights-of way are accessible. These include sidewalks and pedestrian paths, curb ramps, street and driveway crossings, crosswalks, public transit stops, and pedestrian activated signal systems. The accessibility of pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way is only one aspect for providing equal access to state government programs, services, and activities – but it is an aspect that affects many Vermont residents and visitors to our state in their daily activities.
In 2020, VTrans completed the process of updating its ADA Transition Plan to identify the accessibility improvements completed since the last Transition Plan update in 2014, resolve accessibility deficiences as they arise and ensure compliance with current standards or guidelines, establish a plan for addressing these issues, and establish a clear process for receiving any accessibility complaints. To receive the Plan in an alternative format, please contact Patricia Martin.